Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pretend Tweet-Fight with Rainier Marie Rilke

I don't even have a twitter account really, but I got into a conversation with a friend the other day about imaginary tweet-fights with dead writers. I do have a bone to pick (a tweet to twick?) with this dude in particular, so I thought I'd bring my fantasy to fruition.

@TheRealRilke says:

@ALittleLikeJeannie says: 
"Somethings" that are difficult: lifting one's refrigerator over one's head
@ALittleLikeJeannie says: 
@ALittleLikeJeannie says: 
Candy Crush after the Frest Mint level
@ALittleLikeJeannie says: 
reading Swann's Way or John Banville

@TheRealRilke says:

@ALittleLikeJeannie says:
Why must our growth be solitary? Can it not be in symphony, in communion, or in celebration with? Must we ourselves apart to become ourselves?
@ALittleLikeJeannie says:

In other words: Ain't that more than a little pretense going on, bucko? Not everyone is jealous of you.

 @TheRealRilke says:

@ALittleLikeJeannie says:

Okay. Let's call it a draw.

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